Leadership For All (Empowered Community To Empower Nation)
We believe that community is a fundamental building block of society.The organization assists communities in developing practical skills and programs for effectively involving and empowering local citizens to become more effective leaders.Community-based leadership programs build skills and support the development of emerging leaders through a series of seminars, workshops and other local projects. The programs seek individuals who want to improve their community, and give voice to traditionally under-represented community members. Community leadership is a process through which people (e.g., community members) are influenced in some way to accomplish community goals.
India will not fully develop unless both girls and boys are equally supported to reach their full potential. The most important causes of gender disparity are poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, social customs, belief and anti-female attitude etc. The organization addressing these issues in the community level so that we can have better world in our generation.
India’s journey on women empowerment and gender equality started when it became a sovereign state in 1947.Women empowerment is the process of treating the women with same status with that of men in all the fields of the society. Women Empowerment has become a movement now but in our country it only seems a distant dream. We have restricted our perceptions to only upliftment of women from the value of an object to the value of a living being. But what is required in the present period is something beyond it. The organization strive to empower women through self-help groups, providing training how to develop leadership quality in them etc.