The awareness on alcohol and drugs were done among teen agers and adult groups .We were able to focus on 187 people at Khandari, Shimluti, Dibdih, Doranda, Argora ,Bokaro , Dhanbad villages of Ranchi district and at Bhadrak district of Odisha state . The health workers go door to door and organize meetings in the small group. They were taught about the demerits of using alcohol and drugs and its consequences in an individual’s life as well as in families by showing them videos. And also how much it will affect the lungs and liver in the pandemic time. But due to lockdown there was a gap for follow up with some people who are in addiction.
The organization emphasizes on women participants more in the program and taught them to keep their surroundings clean and avoid contaminating sources of water with filth and garbage. Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is the essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our personality and hygiene helps us to prevent communicable disease externally and internally. In short, preventive health education, stressing on the importance of personal and environmental cleanliness. Due to the pandemic of covid-19 we conducted awareness meetings both in individual and in smaller groups in which the community health workers taught the necessity of cleanliness in our surroundings, the different diseases and sickness caused through the lack of cleanliness etc. The result of the awareness was people take initiatives to clean their environment as well as themselves to prevent from the health hazard diseases.
Due to coronavirus there was a lockdown and we all are locked in a room. Hence at this time our team decided to spread awareness by distributing handouts door to door and through Covid-awareness skits in small groups. We were able to conduct Covid awareness program with the permission and support of the local leaders among the children and families. In this awareness the health workers focus on what is covid-19, its symptoms, precautions, home remedy and daily life care activities. Also most of our health workers showed the demo of hand wash. Two of our health workers show the posters of covid-19 to alert the children in the villages. There were 19875 handouts
distributed to the families.
This is the small initiative taken by the organization to keep in mind for the old people who are unable to reach the clinic for their routine checkup. More than 40 Home Health check- up clinics are being organized in our working area with the help & sponsorship of individual donors. The free home health check -up centers are organized at Vikasnagar & Dumki village in Uttarakhand and Jharkhand state respectively with the aim of this to help the old people by checking their BP, fasting sugar, fever etc in this pandemic period. Through HCCP 350 older women and men benefitted. Some of the severe cases the community health workers help them to admitted in the hospital and providing them medicine.